Ear Falls
Public School
Phone: (807) 222-3777
Fax: (807) 222-2207

Jennifer Olsen, Principal

40 Spruce Street
PO Box 760
Ear Falls, ON
P0V 1T0
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KPSDB Continues to See Enrolment Increases

15 Nov. 2017

Media Release - November 15, 2017

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board is pleased to report increased student enrolment for the 2017-2018 school year. The KPDSB for the first time in its history, will no longer be eligible for the “Declining Enrolment Grant” in 2017-2018. 

The Board credits several factors for the increase in enrolment including its expansion of innovative student-based programs that increase student engagement and the efforts of front-line school staff to put the needs of students first. Additional acknowledgement must be given to ongoing and exhaustive efforts of administration to work closely with and sign formal agreements with Indigenous partners such as Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO), Seven Generations Education Institute (SGEI), and Lac Seul First Nation (LSFN).

Budgeted enrolment for the 2017-2018 school year was 4,842 students.  Current enrolment for the KPDSB is 4,868, 26 students above the projected or budgeted enrolment.

Notable enrolment increases include:

  • All Kenora elementary schools: Valleyview, Evergreen, Keewatin, and King George VI Public Schools are above projected and actual 2016-17 enrolments;
  • Beaver Brae Grades 7/8 increased enrolment by 17 students;
  • Golden Learning Centre in Balmertown is 17 students over budget;
  • Sioux Narrows Public School enrolment at historic high; enrolment of 31 students;
  • Lillian Berg Public School in Vermilion Bay, increase of 22 students over 2016-17;
  • Queen Elizabeth DHS in Sioux Lookout is an additional 20 students higher than historic 2016-17 numbers with a total of 508; up from 396 students in 2013-14;
  • Enrolment in Senior Kindergarten was 12 higher than projected at 296 students.


Sean Monteith, Director of Education, said “There are always compelling indicators that clearly and indisputably demonstrate the direction an organization is headed in.  The enrolment growth in many of our schools and the enrolment picture across the Board is strong.  The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board continues to strengthen and with that so does our responsibility to Northern Ontario children.”

The KPDSB is currently seeking applicants for employment in all positions and will hold Recruitment Fairs in communities across the board area following a successful event in Sioux Lookout on November 8. Upcoming events include:

  • Dryden/Ignace/Vermilion Bay areas – December 11, 2017 at Dryden High School from 3:00pm to 8:00pm
  • Red Lake/Ear Falls areas – January 10, 2018 at Red Lake District High School from 3:00pm to 8:00pm
  • Kenora/Sioux Narrows areas – January 30, 2018 at Manidoo Baawaatig from 3:00pm to 8:00pm


What Parents Can Do To Help Their Teens Succeed

20 Oct. 2017




Major Renovations to EFPS

13 Sep. 2017




Live Stream of Construction of Sioux North High School (Sioux Lookout)

04 Sep. 2017

Our new high school (Sioux North High School) in Sioux Lookout is really taking shape!  Save this link to watch the construction - https://www.youtube.com/embed/live_stream?channel=UCQGj4ntcdJSsaIpV4q1TA_A 


Beaver Brae’s Tracey Benoit appointed to Ontario Minister of Education’s Principal Reference Group

11 Oct. 2017

Media Release - October 11, 2017

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board wishes to congratulate Tracey Benoit, Principal of Beaver Brae Secondary School in Kenora, on her recent appointment to the Minister of Education’s Principal Reference Group (MPRG).  Benoit will join the MPRG for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years. 

The Minister’s Principal Reference Group (established in 2006) is made up of 20 principals and vice-principals from across Ontario who are appointed by the Minister of Education.  Principals serving on the MPRG provide the Minister with invaluable advice on a wide range of policy and program matters through their perspectives and experiences with Ministry of Education programs and policies.  They also share their individual insights, feedback and recommendations for education in Ontario directly with the Minister of Education.

Benoit stated “My initial reaction was one of shock when I learned I was chosen to be a part of the Minister’s Principal Reference Group.  It’s now sinking in and I understand the importance of the role, I feel very honoured to be a part of this group.  We have a firsthand opportunity to provide feedback on Ministry initiatives and their impact on our students and schools, and it’s exciting to think about the impact that my voice will have on future education policies and programs.  The Minister is interested in what educators, students and stakeholders have to say and I feel that it is critical to have the input of everyone across Ontario.”

Benoit added “I’m also excited to be able to collaborate with the principal group to share effective practices and to hear about their programs that foster student success. I know that what I learn over the next two years will help me develop immensely as an instructional leader and I’m really looking forward to that part of it.”

Sean Monteith, Director of Education, said “We are indeed pleased and proud of Tracey’s appointment to the Minister’s Principal Reference Group; but we are not surprised.  Those that know Tracey know her to be a leader among her peers and she deserves this appointment.”
